

近日,光大環境董事會主席王天義應新加坡潔淨環境峰會2022(CleanEnviro Summit Singapore 2022)邀請接受專訪,針對有關無廢城市的一系列問題,分享了富有洞見的觀點和看法。


由新加坡國家環境局舉辦的新加坡潔淨環境峰會2022(CESG 2022)將於2022年4月17-21日在新加坡舉辦,致力於為全球意見領袖、高級政府官員、監管機構代表、政策制定者及行業領袖提供一個國際化交流平臺。

本屆峰會以“打造可持續、適應氣候條件的城市”(Towards Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Cities)為主題,旨在針對促進迴圈經濟框架、採納氣候適應性政策、維護公共衛生標準等緊迫議題開展探討交流。相關討論將圍繞推行廢物資源化利用、提升衛生標準、促進蟲害有效管理、推動可持續能源發展以及進行污染防治五個關鍵領域邀請與會嘉賓參與深入討論。


Q: Could you define a zero-waste city?


A: Although there is no global uniform definition of “zero-waste city”, the one adopted by the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA) is widely recognized - “Zero Waste: the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging and materials without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health”. This can simply translate into “three zeros”, namely: zero abandon, zero landfill and zero incineration, which is an ideal status of zero-waste cities.


Achieving that will certainly be a long and challenging journey. Considering the current situation and global practices, in my opinion, as long as a city fully reuses and recycles waste and transforms that waste into energy or resources without any impact to environment, it could be considered to have achieved the “zero-waste” target; especially if the cities’ incineration rate is lower than 10%.


Developing zero-waste cities is a tough challenge in the on-going global urbanization process. It is also a development goal promoted by China Everbright Environment Group Limited (“Everbright Environment”).


Q: How does a zero-waste city deal with food, water, and plastic waste?


A: A zero-waste city could apply the five Rs to manage food, water, and plastic waste.


1) Refuse – Refuse to order or use excess food, water, and plastic goods, embracing mindful consumption.

1) 拒絕(Refuse):拒絕非必需的食物、水和塑膠用品,應在消費這類資源用品時多加留心;

2) Reduce – Reduce generation of those waste at the source as much as possible, if the consumption is absolutely needed, such as through renewable packaging or sustainable alternatives.

2) 減量(Reduce):對於必需的食物、水和塑膠用品,最大程度從源頭上減少此類垃圾的產生,例如使用可再生包裝或具有可持續性用品作為替代;

3) Reuse – Develop a circular reuse process that fully collects waste to achieve its repeated use (i.e. reuse) directly or indirectly, such as glass containers reused by drink shops, or reusing worn-out clothing as rags.

3) 回用(Reuse):建立迴圈回用體系,全量收集此類垃圾,並通過直接或間接方式實現重複使用(回用),例如回收利用飲品店的玻璃容器或是重新利用破舊衣物的布料做他用;

4) Recycle – Recycle waste through simple treatment, for example, reusing household wastewater for irrigation after simple filtration, and reusing plastic bottles after cleaning and sterilization.

4) 迴圈利用(Recycle):通過簡單處理對此類垃圾進行迴圈利用,例如部分家庭產生的污水經簡單處理後用於灌溉,塑膠瓶通過清潔消毒後重新使用等;

5) Recover - Extract materials and energy from waste by a relatively more complex treatment process, for example, transforming plastic waste into new raw materials through physical and chemical treatment, and turning food waste into fertilizer with bio composting methods.

5) 恢復利用(Recover):通過較複雜的處理工藝從此類垃圾中提取相關物質和能量,例如廢舊塑膠經過物理和化學處理成為新的生產原材料,餐廚垃圾通過生物堆肥製成肥料等。

Q: Industrial waste can include many by-products that we commonly consider unrecyclable or need a lot of processing and handling, like batteries, hazardous chemicals, gases, and sludge. What are some solutions that we can implement to handle these types of waste?


A: The industrial revolution has brought huge convenience to humans, but it has also generated more and more types of industrial waste. Such waste should be controlled and managed at both the front- and back-end.


At the front-end, in designing and manufacturing industrial products, we could use raw materials and production techniques that are less dependent on dwindling resources and less harmful to the environment and human health, such as replacing coal-fired power with clean energy to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions during production, or applying innovative technologies and processes to reduce energy consumption during the manufacturing process.


At the backend, we need to have clear understanding of the types and characteristics of industrial waste and then tailor a treatment system with appropriate methods for them. For instance, solid industrial waste needs to be sorted and segregated before it can undergo further treatment, but for gaseous waste, small particles need to be removed through physical methods and gaseous pollutants such as dioxins and other gases need to be removed through combustion, through adsorption into solids and various other methods. Each waste must be treated differently to be disposed safely.


Q: What are some of the integrated innovations that can help realize zero-waste cities?


A: Many countries and cities are exploring methods to develop zero-waste cities based on their own unique conditions. I would like to take this opportunity to share an innovative model of Everbright Environment in domestic waste management.


Everbright Environment developed a “Five Points in One Line” model for waste treatment, which includes waste sorting directly at the source, then waste collection and transferal, waste sorting and segregation, waste recycling, and treating the unrecyclable waste which is left over. By doing so, our goal is to establish a closed-loop cyclic pathway for municipal waste, so that waste in a city can be firstly reduced at the source, reused as resources, and finally treated in a harmless way to the largest extent possible, thereby helping the city to become a zero-waste city.


Q: In your opinion, which cities in the world are close to or have achieved the zero-waste ambition? What are the lessons we can learn from them?


A: Some cities are moving close to “zero-waste cities”. Their experience is valuable to us, as it helps us to enhance government policies around waste management and waste management systems and teaches us how to use market-oriented methods to boost recycling rate. Their inspiring stories also help to strengthen public awareness and engagement in waste management.


1) Vancouver, Canada: Since the launch of its first waste management plan in 1995, the city has effectively reduced waste generation through waste sorting and Extended Producer Responsibility approach, with a goal of achieving zero waste landfills and zero waste incineration by 2040.

1) 加拿大溫哥華自1995年制定首個廢物管理計畫以來,通過垃圾分類和生產者責任延伸制度,有效降低垃圾產量,並計畫2040年實現垃圾零填埋和焚燒。

2) Kamikatsu, Japan: Making the “Zero Waste Declaration” in 2003 and since then, gradually developing a comprehensive resource recycling system, the village has achieved a recycling rate of over 80% of their waste.

2) 日本上勝町於2003年發佈《零廢宣言》,並逐漸建立起資源回收利用體系,垃圾回收利用率已超過80%。

China only started developing zero-waste cities in recent years. Considering its circumstances, China is expected to first transform from “more landfill, less incineration” to “less landfill, more incineration” and then evolve to “zero landfill, less incineration”, before achieving the goal of “zero landfill, zero incineration”.


Singapore designated 2019 as the Year Towards Zero Waste and launched its inaugural “Zero Waste Masterplan” in the same year, with the objective of becoming a Zero Waste Nation with climate resilience, resource resilience and economic resilience. Singapore has achieved a nearly 100% recycling rate for construction and demolition waste, ferrous and nonferrous metals, and it targets to achieve a 70% overall recycling rate by 2030. I have great hopes that Singapore can make valuable contributions to the world in developing zero waste cities and provide its valuable related experience for other countries and cities to learn.


| 預告 |

王天義主席受邀以線上參會方式出席CESG 2022在4月18日舉辦的清潔環境領袖峰會(CELS),並作為嘉賓參與CELS的小組討論,與新加坡、日本、菲律賓、聯合國等部長嘉賓共同討論塑造未來城市環境可持續發展路徑的政策,説明亞太地區提升資源領域適應能力的新解決方案、商業模式和建設性夥伴關係,以及公共部門與私營領域在亞太區域內的合作前景等。
