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Directors & Senior Management

Executive Directors & Senior Management

Mr. Wang Silian Executive Director and Chairman of the Board

Executive Directors & Senior Management

Mr. Wang SilianExecutive Director and Chairman of the Board

Mr. Wang is the Executive Director and the Chairman of the Board of the Company. He is also the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and the Member of the Remuneration Committee of the Board, and a director of several subsidiaries of the Group. Mr. Wang is the non-executive director and the chairman of the board of directors of China Everbright Greentech Limited (the Company’s subsidiary and the shares of which are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”)). Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Wang was the vice chairman and president of China CYTS Tours Holding Co., Ltd. (the shares of which are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (“SSE”)), a connected person of the Company. He was also the chairman of Bravolinks Integrated Marketing Co., Ltd. (the shares of which are listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations), and the deputy general manager of the Human Resources Department of China Everbright Bank Company Limited (the shares of which are listed on the Stock Exchange and SSE), a subsidiary of China Everbright Group Ltd., which is an indirect controlling shareholder of the Company. Mr. Wang holds a master degree in military science from the Dalian Naval Academy of the People’s Liberation Army Navy. Mr. Wang joined the Board in September 2024.

Mr. Luan Zusheng Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer

Executive Directors & Senior Management

Mr. Luan ZushengExecutive Director and Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Luan is the Executive Director and the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, and the director and the general manager of Everbright Environmental Protection (China) Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company). He is also the Member of the Risk Management Committee of the Board, and a director of several subsidiaries of the Group. Mr. Luan is currently a non-executive director and the chairman of the board of China Everbright Water Limited (the Company’s subsidiary and the shares of which are listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”)) and a director of Sun Life Everbright Life Insurance Co., Ltd. He holds a master degree in accounting from the Department of Accounting of Nankai University and a doctorate degree in political economics from the Department of Economics of Nankai University. Mr. Luan is also a certified intermediate accountant in the People’s Republic of China. Mr. Luan was the director of Everbright Financial Holding Asset Management Co., Ltd. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Luan was the director of the office and the officer for deepening reform of the leading group office for the comprehensive deepening reform, and the secretary general of the office of China Everbright Group Ltd., the indirect controlling shareholder of the Company, the president of Shijiazhuang and Wuxi Branches, the vice president and risk director of Shenzhen Branch, the assistant to the president and risk director of Fuzhou Branch, of China Everbright Bank Company Limited (“Everbright Bank”, the shares of which are listed on the Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange), the general manager of small and medium enterprises business department and the general manager of the microfinance business department of Everbright Bank. Mr. Luan joined the Board in June 2021.

* For identification purpose only

Mr. Yang Shiqiao Vice President

Executive Directors & Senior Management

Mr. Yang ShiqiaoVice President

Mr. Yang is the Vice President of the Company. Mr. Yang is also the chairman of Everbright Greenergy and Lighting (Shenzhen) Limited (the Company’s subsidiary), as well as a director of certain subsidiaries of the Group. Previously, Mr. Yang was appointed as the chief executive officer of Everbright Envirotech (China) Limited, the chairman and chief executive officer of Everbright Environmental Technical Equipment (Changzhou) Limited and Everbright Ecological Resources (Shenzhen) Limited, the deputy general manager of Everbright Environmental Protection (China) Limited (“EEP China”), the Special Assistant to Chief Executive Officer of the Company, and the general manager of the Department of Project Management and Environment Management under EEP China. Mr. Yang holds a Master degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University and a doctorate degree in Advanced Manufacturing from Southeast University. He is a Senior Engineer with extensive experience in operational management, project management and corporate management. Mr. Yang joined the Group in October 2004.

* For identification purpose only

Non-executive Directors

Mr. Kang Guoming

Non-executive Directors

Mr. Kang Guoming

Mr. Kang is the Non-executive Director of the Company. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Kang had served as a deputy general manager (general manager level) of integrated development department of China Everbright Group Ltd., an indirect controlling shareholder of the Company. He had also served as chairman of the board of China CYTS Tours Holding Co., Ltd. (the shares of which are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange), a connected person of the Company. He holds a bachelor degree and a master degree in economics from Peking University. He is a qualified lawyer in China. Mr. Kang joined the Board in March 2024.

Mr. Pan Jianyun

Non-executive Directors

Mr. Pan Jianyun

Mr. Pan is the Non-executive Director of the Company. He is currently a director and vice president of China Everbright Holdings Company Limited, an indirect controlling shareholder of the Company. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Pan had served as a deputy general manager of each of the listing office and integrated development department of China Everbright Group Ltd., and a business line director and general manager of the investment banking management headquarters of Everbright Securities Company Limited (the shares of which are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and Shanghai Stock Exchange). He previously worked as a lawyer at Ningbo Beilun Law Firm, a project manager, an assistant to general manager, a director of legal affairs office and a general manager of investment banking headquarters of Skyone Securities’ investment banking division. He holds a bachelor degree in law from China University of Political Science and Law, a master degree in economics from Zhejiang University, and an executive master degree in business administration from Fudan University. Mr. Pan joined the Board in March 2024.

Independent Non-executive Directors

Mr. Fan Yan Hok, Philip

Independent Non-executive Directors

Mr. Fan Yan Hok, Philip

Mr. Fan is the Independent Non-executive Director of the Company, the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee of the Board, and the Member of each of the Audit Committee, the Risk Management Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Board. Mr. Fan is an independent non-executive director of First Pacific Company Limited (the shares of which are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”)). Mr. Fan is also an external director of Sumida Corporation (the shares of which are listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange). Mr. Fan was formerly an independent director of Goodman Group, an Australian listed company and a member of the Asian Advisory Committee of AustralianSuper, a pension fund established in Australia. He was also formerly an independent non-executive director of Hysan Development Company Limited, PFC Device Inc. and China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited (the shares of both companies are listed on the Stock Exchange), and he was an executive director of CITIC Pacific Limited in charge of industrial projects in China. Mr. Fan holds a Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering, a Master Degree in Operations Research from Stanford University and a Master Degree in Management Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mr. Fan joined the Board in November 1997 and was re-designated as a Non-executive Director and an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company in January 2010 and December 2012 respectively.

Mr. Suo Xuquan

Independent Non-executive Directors

Mr. Suo Xuquan

Mr. Suo is the Independent Non-executive Director of the Company, the Chairman of the Risk Management Committee of the Board, and the member of each of the the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee of the Board. Mr. Suo is an independent director of CITIC Bank International (China) Limited, Northking Information Technology Co., Ltd. (the shares of which are listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange) and PICC Asset Management Company Limited. Mr. Suo was an independent director of China Satellite Communications Co., Ltd. (the shares of which are listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange) and Bank of Zhangjiakou Co., Ltd.. He was the general manager of Credit Extension Approval Department of Head Office of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (“ICBC”, the shares of which are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and Shanghai Stock Exchange) prior to his retirement from the ICBC group after 33 years of services. He also worked in the Shaanxi Branch of the People’s Bank of China before joining the ICBC Group. Mr. Suo was a part-time professor of Business School of China University of Political Science and Law. Mr. Suo graduated from on-job postgraduate class of Economics and Management in the Correspondence College of Central Party School of the Communist Party of China, and he is a senior economist and expert entitled to special allowance of the State Council. Mr. Suo has over 37 years of relevant banking experience and has extensive experience in bank credit management and bank credit risk management. He has expertise in business operation and financial analysis. Mr. Suo joined the Board in August 2018.

* For identification purpose only

Ms. Li Shuk Yin, Edwina

Independent Non-executive Directors

Ms. Li Shuk Yin, Edwina

Ms. Li is the Independent Non-executive Director of the Company, the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board, and the Member of each of the Remuneration Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Risk Management Committee of the Board. Ms. Li is an independent non-executive director of each of Bank of Zhengzhou Co., Ltd. (the shares of which are also listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange) and CNOOC Limited (the shares of which are also listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange) (the shares of the above companies are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”)). She is also an independent non-executive director of China CITIC Bank International Limited and a director of Elite Beam Limited. Ms. Li was formerly an external supervisor of PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited (the shares of which are listed on the Stock Exchange). Ms. Li is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Ms. Li formerly worked in KPMG from 1994 with her last role as the partner in charge of KPMG China’s financial services assurance team until her retirement in March 2018. Ms. Li has significant experience in accounting, capital market, market entrance, regulatory compliance related internal control and risk management in Hong Kong and China. Prior to joining KPMG, Ms. Li qualified as a Chartered Accountant with a large multinational accounting firm and worked as controller with a real estate company and a financial services group in London. Ms. Li holds a Bachelor degree with Honours in Accountancy from University of Exeter, England, a Postgraduate Diploma in Enterprise Risk Management from HKU SPACE, a Master of Science Degree in Risk Management from Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom and a Master of Social Sciences Degree in the field of Sustainability Leadership and Governance from the University of Hong Kong. Ms. Li joined the Board in May 2022.

Company Secretary

Ms. Poon Yuen Ling

Company Secretary

Ms. Poon Yuen Ling

Ms. Poon is the Company Secretary of the Company. She is a fellow member of The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute (formerly known as The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries) and The Chartered Governance Institute (formerly known as the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators). She joined the Group in April 1994, with more than 30 years of experience in company secretarial affairs.