About Us
Everbright Environment

China Everbright Environment Group Limited (“Everbright Environment” or the “Company”) is a flagship enterprise of China Everbright Group Ltd. in the industrial sector, and is listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) (257.HK). Since shifting its business focus to the environmental sector in 2003, the Company has grown into the largest environmental enterprise in China, a leading player in Asia’s environmental protection industry, the world’s largest waste-to-energy investor and operator, and a world-renowned environmental group.

Everbright Environment has two listed subsidiaries: China Everbright Water Limited, which is listed on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (U9E.SG & 1857.HK), and China Everbright Greentech Limited, which is listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (1257.HK). As the first one-stop integrated environmental solution provider in China, Everbright Environment focuses on the three major areas of solid waste, water-related business and clean energy. Its main businesses cover waste-to-energy and integrated waste treatment, integrated biomass utilisation, hazardous and solid waste treatment, new energy, environmental remediation, water environment management, equipment manufacturing, waste sorting, environmental sanitation integration, resource recycling, development of zero-waste cities, energy-saving lighting, analysis and testing, research and development relating to green technologies, ecological and environmental planning and designing, as well as environmental protection industrial parks. The Company has a business presence in more than 220 locations across 26 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and special administrative region in China, as well as overseas markets including Germany, Poland, Vietnam and Mauritius.

Everbright Environment is a strategic partner of the International Coalition for Green Development on the Belt and Road and the Ecological Protection and Green Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The Company adheres to its corporate mission of being “Devoted to Ecology and Environment for a Beautiful China”, and has been granted various accolades at home and abroad. It has been ranked the top among the "Top Ten Influential Solid Waste Treatment Enterprises in China" for 13 consecutive years and top on the list of China’s Top 50 Environmental Enterprises for five consecutive years. With the aspiration to “Create Investment Value and Undertake Social Responsibility”, the Company has been a constituent member of Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for eight years running and Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index for 13 years running. Everbright Environment also received the Achievement of Net-Zero Certificate and Pioneering Organisation in Net-Zero Contribution, which were granted by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency for the first time in 2022, and was included as a member of S&P Global’s Sustainability Yearbook multiple times.


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